I’ve spent a lot of the last week and a half, since the accident, thinking about little things, some good, some bad… the fact that my blog just deleted the whole list is on the bad side.
- I have amazing friends, family, and co-workers who have been entirely supportive throughout this accident mess.
- My work laptop, which was in my trunk, survived the accident, even though my trunk did not.
- Lego C3-PO, on my keychain, lost a leg. This is amazingly appropriate. (Lego Darth Maul survived intact.)
- My new car is unquestionably the perfect color for me…
- and is sadly lacking in bumper stickers. I hope to remedy this soon.
- Every time I look at the accident photos, I’m amazed that I walked away.
- At the same time, I’m bummed that I missed my first opportunity at a black belt test. I did watch it, and I would have tested with an incredible group of candidates.
- As I was loading the washing machine this evening, I looked out the window and noticed that my maple tree is now convinced that it’s fall.
- I miss karate. Switching from up to 5 times a week to 0 is hard. I want my elbow and shoulder to heal quickly, so I can get back on the mat.
- I’m impressed with how efficiently my insurance company has handled their side of things.
- Did I mention my amazing friends? Yes? Well, they’re worth mentioning again.