Setting goals for 2018

We are taught at karate that goals we set are goals we get, and are encouraged to set goals for the year.  These are some of the goals I have set for myself this year:
  1. Test for my Tang Soo Do black belt – this is a no-brainer, it’s what I expected to do in October.  The tests are held at our regional tournaments, which happen twice a year, so I expect to test in April.
  2. Renew my Project Management Professional (PMP) certfication – actually, I completed this since I wrote it down.  Yay!  One down!   Time to start on the next cycle.  It’s a continuous learning opportunity, requiring 60 credits of training every 3 years, so as soon as I finish, I start towards the next cycle.
  3. Add a new garden bed – this has slightly changed since I wrote it down.  I entered a sweepstakes and won a discount towards a Garden Tower, so I’m adding that instead of a more traditional raised bed.  It will be my first foray into vermicomposting, which involves worms.
  4. Garage door with a bit of a gap
    The garage door lets in a little bit of light… and leaves… and air.

    Garage door projects – this is actually two projects in one.  The door from the kitchen to the garage is an interior door; it allows a bit of light and air in.  It’s not terrible, but combined with the need to replace or improve the garage door seal, I’m paying more for heat than I should be.

  5. Duolingo recently added Korean as a language option.  Since we learn snippets of Korean at karate, I thought I’d try picking up a bit more.  I don’t have time for daily lessons at the moment, my current goal is at least once a week.

I’ll come back to these later in the year with updates.

Thoughts on Words of Radiance

Two months late, I have finished re-reading Words of Radiance, and am finally starting Oathbringer.  Once again, we follow the stories of Kaladin, Dalinar, and Shallan, among others, as they strive to rebuilt the Knights Radiant with minimal knowledge on what the Knights could actually do.  As far as the overall plot goes, that’s all I have to say… go read it, it’s fabulous.

As far as individual plot lines go, I found myself drawn to Shallan Davar.  All of the point of view characters are well-developed with riveting plot lines.  In The Way of Kings, Shallan was introduced as a young lady forced out of her comfort zone.  In Words of Radiance, she stretches past that, arriving in the Shattered Plains, meeting her betrothed, and more to her surprise than anybody else’s, develops into a leader.

Her betrothed has a history of failed romances; Shallan has a history of one, which turned out to be with an assassin who almost killed her.  (In his defense, she wasn’t the target.)  Shallan arrives at the Shattered Plains, establishing her own place in the mess of the war camps, seeks out the group that was responsible for the failed assassination attempt, and is generally more snarky than society allows.  In other words, she’s an awesome character that clearly develops across the books.  So do the other characters, I just happen to like Shallan’s snarkiness.

Accident details

It’s been a couple months now since my car accident, and I realized that the details get fuzzy the further past it I get.  While part of me would love to forget it, I’m still dealing with some of the aftermath and do want to preserve the details somewhere.

There’s not much I can say about the commute that day.  It was a Tuesday, and it was raining, so there was stop and go traffic on I-355.  I was in the middle lane, because there’s a pot hole in the right lane a little bit after the toll, and you feel it more when you’re moving slow, so I try to switch back to my normal lane after that point.  It was a little chilly, I had switched to my winter coat instead of a sweatshirt, but I wasn’t wearing a hat, and my gloves were in the pockets.

I was in the open road tolling lanes, very solidly stopped in traffic around 7am, when I happened to look in my rear view mirror and saw a pickup truck barreling towards me.  I had just enough time to swear (and believe me, the word was not “fudge”) and glance at the distance to the car in front of me before the pickup slammed into me and pushed me into the next car.  My steering wheel airbag deployed and caught my face, I could feel it on my lips.  My foot airbag also deployed – I didn’t realize that existed – but it pushed my foot off the brake.  After a stunned moment, I realized I was moving again as I slid into the back doors of two cars, one in my lane and one in the right lane.  I swore again (still not “fudge”) and slammed my foot onto the brake.

When I was sure I was done moving, I shifted my car into park and turned off the engine.  I think I glanced behind me and registered that the pickup was attached to my car.  I’m not sure of the order immediately after that.  At some point, the pickup driver came up to the trio of cars stuck together and called out, asking if everybody was OK.  I remember turning the engine back on, so I could lower my window and respond – it hadn’t registered yet that the back window was gone, shattered across the back seat.  I texted my co-worker to let her know I’d been rear-ended and would be late, called and left my boss a voicemail (as it turns out, he was behind me in traffic – he passed after the accident, but didn’t recognize my car because “the truck was still on [my] trunk”), then called my mother-in-law a couple minutes before my daughter left for school.  This is, as it turns out, a way to panic your child; by the time I next looked at my phone, I had a text message asking for details.  I declined the offer of a ride from my mother-in-law, since I had no clue what the process or timing would be, saying I’d call back later if I needed one.

That done, and with my front doors wedged against two other cars, I used my phone to take photos – of the pickup sitting on my trunk, and of the two cars I was wedged between.  At some point, the pickup driver told me he was going to try backing up off my trunk, so I made sure my foot was solidly on the brake again, just in case.  Once that was done, I sat waiting until emergency personnel came through checking on everybody.  When asked if I was OK, I said I was, but was feeling a bit trapped.  (I’m not claustrophobic, I just don’t like sitting idle.)  Traffic had been passing in the left lane and on the shoulder; the firefighters closed off the shoulder so the accident vehicles could gradually move into that space.

Once the cars in front of me had moved, I turned the engine on again and eased over to the shoulder, and finally got out of the car.  I walked around to the trunk, checked my work laptop (survived!), and took a couple photos.  I sent a photo of my trunk to my co-workers and my daughter, and posted it to Facebook.  And then I began the arduous task of gathering everything in the car into reusable shopping bags from the trunk before the tow truck picked up my poor car.  I did fairly well – I missed my sunglasses and a chocolate in a back door pocket, and the tow truck driver later reminded me to grab my iPass.  It was about an hour after the accident when I finally sat down in the tow truck; it was almost another hour before the police officer finished writing up the report with the details on all six cars involved.

I received the first copy of the accident report and permission to leave the scene, so I rode to the tow yard and called my insurance from their entry hall.  If you’ve never had to do this, it is a tedious process, as the insurance needs all of the details from the accident report – details on all of the drivers and vehicles.  Once that was done, we moved to the next step of arranging a rental vehicle through the insurance, and having the rental company pick me up from the tow yard.  I ended up driving a lovely Kia minivan for most of a week.

I’d love to say that I then went about my day as normal.  I did go to work, but only for a couple hours, as several coworkers were urging me to go to Immediate Care, particularly once a bruise started appearing on the bridge of my nose.  As it turns out, I had a mild concussion and was told to take a few days off of work… and in no uncertain terms, not to participate in the black belt test three days later.

We escaped!

We had talked about trying an Escape Room for a couple years; my work department finally got together for an outing recently. We split into two teams and did two escape rooms each at Mastermind in Schaumburg.  Our organizer picked the two easiest scenarios – Sorcerer’s Secret (35% escape rate) and Lost in Time (42%).

I’ll be honest, I had no idea there were that many different kinds of combination locks available.  In addition to the standard locker combination lock (3 times to the right to the number, 2 times to the left to the number, and right to the last number), there were luggage-style locks with anywhere from 3 to 5 numbers or letters needed, including some that had both letters and numbers on them, and what I can only describe as DDR locks – the options were up, down, left, and right.

Mind you, the locks weren’t the puzzles.  The puzzles gave you the answer to the locks, assuming you could figure out which one to use where.  There were also a few physical puzzles that required team work, like a maze where the person with the magnet couldn’t see the maze and had to be talked through it.   And that’s about all the details I can give without spoiling things… I will say that there’s an Easter egg in the Lost in Time puzzle for Doctor Who fans.

I will also say that LARP experience helped, if only because of the number of puzzles involved in those games, particularly at the Whately LARPs.  If you get stuck, you have clues available that you can spend points on, with a finite number of points (100) before it counts as a loss.

Both teams escaped from both puzzles… I guess that’s what happens when you put IT problem solvers in a room.

‘Tis the season

I spent a year abroad in college in the lovely, if somewhat dreary, city of Glasgow. It’s only dreary because of the overcast skies and rain, the people more than make up for it. I spent a decent number of weekends and holidays that year with newly found friends in Edinburgh, including Christmas Day.

I remember waking up that morning and finding my Christmas stocking, not in the living room near the tree, but on my bed with me. (Yes, I slept fairly soundly back then.) In all fairness, there was a large dog downstairs who might have gotten curious about the stockings had they been left in her reach. More surprisingly, as I reached into the stocking, I found that every gift in it was wrapped.

I think it was in high school when we noticed that our parents’ stockings had bare minimum content and started scrambling through our room on Christmas morning for assorted junk we could add to them. Most years, our stockings were about as random, it was just newer junk.

Holiday stocking & wrapped gifts
Oooh, wrapped stuff on a stocking.

I don’t remember anything in that Edinburgh stocking being junk. Fun and unnecessary, perhaps… I mean, does a college student really need Lego?  (In my defense, I owned no Lego at all until that year.  OMG, Lego Thor is awesome!)   That year reshaped how I thought of Christmas stockings, and has certainly influenced the type of items that are seen in them at my house.

Here we are at the holidays again, and I found myself reminiscing about that year… and wrapping just about everything.  Perhaps I should make some Yorkshire pudding this year too.  Happy holidays!

Driving in a snow globe

One of the thrills of winter is, of course, snow.  The first snowfall of the year is always exciting, the effect on the landscape is dazzling.  The effect on driving… well… you get all the slipperyness (is that a word?) of driving in rain, but in the right conditions, it looks pretty even if the drivers are crazy.

When you move north, nobody warns you there are different types of snow.   It’s akin to rain in that sense, quite literally, except for the part where it’s frozen.  You can have anything from a light drizzle to a downpour of white, wet and packable snow (great for building, bad for shoveling) to dry, lightweight snow that blows all over the place (especially back to where you just shoveled it from).

It can fall straight down, as if someone just flipped the snow globe over and back again.  But sometimes, that snow globe is slightly askew instead, and you get to experience the effect of walking or driving into the oncoming snow.  In a heavy snow, that’s obviously a bad thing, with windshield wipers working furiously to keep up.

Holiday lights
No, I wasn’t driving when I took this photo. It also wasn’t snowing yet.

In a light snow, however, it has an idyllic effect as white bits swirl around you, paths altering with the wind impacts of vehicles around you.  That is when it feels like you’re driving in a nice snow globe, and you decelerate as you pass decorated houses to appreciate the holiday season.


Thoughts on The Way of Kings

“Life before death.
Strength before weakness.
Journey before destination.”

Once upon a Capricon (not to be confused with Once Upon a Capricon, which was a couple years later), I met a gentleman who said I should read some books by Brandon Sanderson.  To be clear, he gave me specific titles, though in the end, it really was just a “read everything he wrote” recommendation.  (He also warned me that Blake would try to sell me books, and here I am, eagerly awaiting the next one in that series.)

Had I planned better, I would have re-read The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance before the November release of Oathbringer.  But my fall months were somewhat unusual, and certainly not as I had planned, so here I am, a month after buying Oathbringer, just finishing re-reading the first book.

The danger of getting hooked on Brandon Sanderson’s writing is that he doesn’t have just one good series.  At any given time, he is working on three or four books, updating his website with the progression.  At the moment, it shows a first draft, a second draft, and a release (Oathbringer, yay!) at 100%, and a mystery project at 62%.

In The Way of Kings, we follow the stories of Kaladin (a slave), Dalinar (a lighteyes, uncle to the King), and Shallan (a lighteyes hoping to become ward of the King’s sister).  The world and the characters grow through the book, learning about themselves and making discoveries that could impact the entire world as they know it.   The thing to see, in this and the subsequent nine novels, is what they do with that knowledge, assuming they manage to survive.

Oh, did I forget to mention he’s not even halfway through writing the series?  It’s epic, and totally worth reading (and re-reading).


I was introduced to role-playing my first year in college, starting with Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) and Paranoia, and quickly adding Rifts and Marvel into the schedule.  (Believe it or not, I also worked, went to classes, and slept.)  That was several editions ago for D&D and Paranoia; I haven’t even seen the other two since college.

Last year, a co-worker suggested playing D&D at lunch, and brought in the 5th Edition Player’s Handbook.  While tempting, we quickly decided that our lunch times were too variable for role-playing and settled into an irregular schedule of assorted card games.  But the thought of playing D&D lingered for several of us.

We have an evening work event coming up and decided to schedule an after party with a mix of experienced and new players, so I find myself poring through rules to make a character.  It should come as no surprise to those who have gamed with me before that I settled on a human bard.   Beyond performance and some (totally optional, I’m sure) lock-picking skills, I’m not sure yet what I’m building.  Whatever I decided, I’m sure it will be fun.


This has been a whirlwind years, with plenty of ups and downs to keep things interesting. I am grateful that the ups far outweigh the downs.  Here are some of the things I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving:
  • The Oregonian Cookbook my grandmother sent me a few years ago.  It renewed my interest in poached eggs – I ate an egg poached in homemade broccoli tomato soup this morning – and filled my house with the wonderful scent of cranberry streusel to take to our Thanksgiving meal.  (And amused that spellcheck thinks I should replace “streusel” with “stressful”.)
  • Diane and Arwen on the cat tree
    Diane looking up at Arwen without hissing or growling.

    I’m delighted by the kitten we adopted earlier this week, it’s probably not what my parents expected me to spend my holiday money on…

  • and relieved that Arwen’s introduction into the house has been mostly painless.  Well, at least among the cats… I have scratches that prove there’s a kitten in the house.
  • I am immensely grateful for coffee, since kittens don’t seem to sleep through the entire night.
  • The lovely sounds of Peter Hollens’s Christmas album that I listened to while cooking, and that Cassandra (mostly) has good taste in music.
  • That I have friends and family who appreciate my sense of humor, which explains why I included a note about Dobby when I mailed a sock back to a friend.

I hope everybody had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

I made a thing: a Welcome Blanket

Just after our trip to the Galápagos, I read about the Welcome Blanket project; a couple of my friends had shared the link on Facebook.  I like crocheting, and as the daughter of an immigrant, it seemed like an appropriate thing to do.  It was rather impromptu, I had to go yarn shopping and everything.  (And I seem to have yarn left from the project….)  Other people took up the challenge – the website boasts 2,088 blankets received.
My Welcome Blanket, in red, white, and blue.
My Welcome Blanket, in red, white, and blue.

I downloaded one of the blanket patterns from the project website.  I decided our flag colors would be a good choice to welcome a new immigrant to our country; I honestly couldn’t think of a more appropriate color choice.  I found a lovely yarn for it, soft and fuzzy, and not too inclined to tangle.  I was a little delayed in my project, but lucky for me, the deadline was extended, and I mailed my contribution in mid-October.

It appears not all of the blankets are up on the website yet (I couldn’t find mine), though the ones that are show a lovely selection of craft choices and talent.  I can sit back and ponder what my next crafting project will be.