Just after our trip to the Galápagos, I read about the Welcome Blanket project; a couple of my friends had shared the link on Facebook. I like crocheting, and as the daughter of an immigrant, it seemed like an appropriate thing to do. It was rather impromptu, I had to go yarn shopping and everything. (And I seem to have yarn left from the project….) Other people took up the challenge – the website boasts 2,088 blankets received.
I downloaded one of the blanket patterns from the project website. I decided our flag colors would be a good choice to welcome a new immigrant to our country; I honestly couldn’t think of a more appropriate color choice. I found a lovely yarn for it, soft and fuzzy, and not too inclined to tangle. I was a little delayed in my project, but lucky for me, the deadline was extended, and I mailed my contribution in mid-October.
It appears not all of the blankets are up on the website yet (I couldn’t find mine), though the ones that are show a lovely selection of craft choices and talent. I can sit back and ponder what my next crafting project will be.