Dorkstock 2018: Mission Accomplished

Dorkstock has always been a labor of love, a mini-convention run by John Kovalic’s fans within a larger convention.  This was our third year being hosted by Gamehole Con, and I think the first time that Dorkstock has been a four-day convention.  We had an incredible game schedule this year, filled with assorted Munchkin and Chez games, among other favorites from Steve Jackson Games, and both Steve Jackson and Phil Reed were in attendance.  We pulled out some classic Out of the Box games and other, more esoteric games like Cthulhu in the House and Knuckle Sammich.
Igor bars, 3-D Dork Frag, 3-D Dork Tower board game, life-sized Warhamster Rally

But one of our gamemasters goes above and beyond, creating 3-D and life-size versions of some of her favorite games.  This leads to interesting e-mail conversations like “is an 18-inch hex large enough for a person to stand in”?  (Yes, yes it is.)  Among other masterpieces were the 3-D Dork Frag (originally published in an issue of Dork Tower), the 3-D Dork Tower board game (a parody of the classic Dark Tower game), the life-sized Escape from Dork Tower (not pictured), and the life-sized (with 18-inch hexes) Warhamster Rally.  Those are certainly a labor of love.  I’ll content myself with making the occasional Igor bars and running a few games.

Oh, and planning for next year… Gamehole Con announced their dates for 2019: October 31st through November 3rd.  Can you say “Dorkstock Costume Party”?