I had two experiences recently that reminded me how a good customer service experience results in repeat business. In both cases, the business will be infrequent (I hope) due to the nature of the services they provide.
Last week, I had my annual eye exam. I went somewhere new – closer to home, even walkable when I have the time to spare. I found the location through my vision insurance website; the fact that is probably the closest eye doctor to my house is a bonus.
When I called to schedule, Park Family Eye Care was able to get me in the same week. While I appreciate that, it’s more lucky timing than customer service… they happened to have openings in the near future. I went through the usual pre-tests with an assistant, and then the vision test with the doctor. After a brief chat with the doctor, he walked me back out to the waiting area.
Anybody who’s been to the big chains knows this is where you normally get handed back to an assistant, as you agonize over which frames to pick and they upsell you on as many things as they can. That didn’t happen. In fact, the doctor helped me select frames, adding on just the extras needed based on our discussion. He then wrote up the itemized bill, took the appropriate measurements for the glasses, and only when that was done, passed me off to the front desk for payment.
In a similar vein, I had my dryer serviced this week. To be more specific, my dryer stopped spinning a couple weeks ago; fortunately the weather is nice for drying on a clothesline. I logged onto Next Door and asked for recommendations, hoping that I wouldn’t need to buy a new dryer quite yet. I received several recommendations, including one from a person who had experienced the same issue; I went with her recommendation and called West Suburban Appliance Repair.
When I called to schedule, I was told the diagnostic visit fee would be applied to the repair if I opted to repair the dryer with them. That was a good start.
The repairman assessed the problem fairly quickly – a broken belt – and happened to have a replacement for my make and model in his truck. He informed me of the cost before even checking his truck for the belt, then verified that I was approving the work at that price after confirming that he had the necessary piece. I know, that all seems super reasonable, but sometimes repairs around the house end up with surprise costs.
What caught my attention was the details at the end of his visit. Instead of just handing me the work order and running my credit card, he explained the details of the work order, including the manufacturer’s warranty on the part and the company’s warranty on the work. He literally went through every piece of information written on the work order… I’m not sure I’ve seen anybody do that before. He’s certainly at the top of my list to call if I need appliance repairs… though I hope not to.
When you buy a home, at least in this country, some assumptions are made by the bank and your neighbors, and to some extent, by yourself. Your neighbors assume you will maintain the property, particularly the visible bits, in a way that will maintain or increase the value of the home. In some areas, this is enforceable – the city will warn you if you fail at certain maintenance work, such as keeping your lawn and weeds below a specified height, or unrepaired parts of the exterior that are unsightly. More so if your house is in a HomeOwners Assocation (HOA); their rules are stricter.
I don’t have a problem with that concept, it seems a fair part of homeownership and belonging to a neighborhood. I managed to avoid buying a house with an HOA, though I did look at a couple when I was house-hunting. (That was not the deciding factor.) The exterior maintenance I’ve done has really been for my own comfort – the big projects have been improving the ventilation to the attic, adding insulation, and replacing the windows. One of my long term projects is to replace the siding on the house. The current siding is an older style which is no longer produced, so it needs to be fully replaced when it goes.
And therein, we come to the discussion of ethics. Last summer, a hail storm hit the area fairly hard. A good chunk of the neighborhood replaced roofing, siding, or both, as a result of the storm. In the first week after the storm, I had over a dozen companies stop by with business details, offering to inspect both my roof and siding for damage. One was the company that installed my soffits, gutters, and attic insulation; I let them check for damage. After a cursory walk around the house, they reported that they found no new damage.
Here were are, nine months after the incident, and I’m still getting the occasional drive-by visit from companies that want my insurance’s business of repairing the roofing and siding. This last one bugged me. Their flyers – pre-printed – said “YOUR ALUMINUM SIDING and/or ROOF HAVE HAIL DAMAGE! YOUR INSURANCE WILL PAY US TO REPLACE IT WITH BRAND NEW VINYL SIDING!!”. The flyer ends with (still in all caps, and really, I have limits to how much of that I want to see) “You’ve been paying insurance your whole life, now is the time to finally get something back!!” The guy at the door reinforced this – he told me that if he could find even one section that appeared to be damaged from the storm, the insurance would pay to replace all of it.
I’m all for using insurance when something happens that requires it. Health insurance covered the birth of a child and my appendectomy, both of which would have been painfully expensive without insurance. My car insurance came through for me after my accident. But I’m not going to abuse my insurance simply because I want new siding, knowing that there wasn’t significant damage to the siding from that particular storm. I’m also not going to pick a company that reminds me of ambulance chasers to do the work.
Spring is here. Life is skittles and life is beer.*
Gardenzilla and wood paver tiles in the new garden bed, eagerly awaiting strawberry plants
It’s gardening season! It warmed up a bit, so I was out at the hardware store last weekend buying dirt for the new garden bed. This is by far my easiest garden bed setup since I moved in – I’m repurposing an existing area that had rocks and the occasional weed. I started working on it in the fall, piling leaves there instead of paying to have them removed, then weighing them down with free mulch from the city. Early last week, as it warmed up, I stopped for some more city mulch, and was thrilled to find pine trees mulched into the pile. After several buckets, I was ready to add dirt, followed by some paving tiles down the center. I’ll need another set of paving tiles, so I can reach all of the strawberry plants I intend to add to the bed, but it’s off to a good start.
New outdoor storage
Also on Saturday, with some fairly significant assistance, my garden storage cabinet was assembled. The shed that came with the house was in questionable condition when I moved in, and is getting progressively worse: the roof that shows wear and tear on the outside, leaks and is growing mushrooms on the inside. On top of that, somebody created a smaller, secondary door in the hidden side of the shed during the winter. One of my goals for this year is to remove that shed, but in order to do that, I need someplace for my gardening tools to live. With the storage cabinet assembled and populated, the project is off to a good start.
*No pigeons were harmed while writing this blog post. Also, I don’t like beer.
There are two charity events I try to participate in each year: the Hustle Chicago and the Brookfield ZooRunRun (or ZooRunWalk, as I call it). The Chicago Hustle is a stair climb, walking up the building formerly known as the John Hancock Center to raise money for lung disease research. In our case, we opt for the half climb, which is only 52 floors.
The Brookfield ZooRunRun is, not surprisingly, an event that supports Brookfield Zoo, one of the two large zoos in the Chicagoland area. It’s a 5k within the zoo, including along some paths that are normally restricted to zoo vehicles, before normally opening time. Some people show up wearing animal headbands or hats, or even in animal costumes, so you never know what you’re going to see as you walk or run the route through the zoo. It’s a lovely way to spend an autumn Sunday morning.
Less frequently, but just as eagerly, I sometimes participate in a St. Baldrick’s event. No, there isn’t really a saint named Baldrick; the event name came from merging “bald” – for how people look after shaving off their hair – and St. Patrick, because the first event was held at a St. Patrick’s Day party. Participants raise money for childhood cancer research by shaving their heads. (You don’t have to shave all of your hair off… but I think it’s more fun that way.)
This year will be my third time participating in a St. Baldrick’s event. The second time I did it, I had been at my job for under a year and only warned a couple people in my office that I was doing it. I have learned not to freak people out like that.
There are an assortment of creative and fun ways to give to various charities. And, as the founders of St. Baldrick’s proved, if there isn’t one, you can create one. In my case, that means three more weeks of hair keeping my ears warm, and then hats until spring finally arrives.
Last weekend, I attended my 19th Capricon. Yes, really… 19 consecutive years at the same convention. Wow! Capricon was the first convention that I discovered the room parties at. (I had attended DragonCon before that, but didn’t encounter the parties until after my first Capricon.) I’ve assisted at parties with various groups over the years, but just with on-site stuff… checking IDs, supplying some fresh baked cookies, that sort of thing.
At last year’s Capricon, as I was wandering the parties with friends, I wandered straight into their party idea – building a box fort in one of the party rooms. Letting people decorate the boxes after we built it. And, of course, having drinks. Really, the core concept was the boxes, and those are easy to collect over the course of a year. One of our organizers studied theater set design, so he’s quite capable of building a set… pretty quickly, as it turns out.
A Box Fort flyer, a decorated box, the Party Staff Choice award, and part of the wall
We had on and off discussions throughout the year, mostly about what drinks to serve, then eventually what entertainment to include for a castle-themed box fort. We considered what style cups and wristbands we wanted for the party, and what snacks to serve. And how much of everything to buy.
That’s the hard question, really… you have an idea of how many people will come to the convention based on previous years (just over 1,200 this year), then guess at how many will come to the parties, how many cups each person will use, and what drinks they may prefer of the ones you’re serving. We ran the party for two nights. Few people, myself included, keep their party wristbands on from night to night, so you have to account for double use on the wristbands. Some people want a new cup for each drink, some will reuse their cups.
To say we had a blast, well, that’s an understatement. We’re looking forward to doing it again at next year’s convention, the Tropics of Capricon.
At the beginning of the year, I mentioned that I set goals for the year and for the week. One of my weekly goals, with no correlation to an annual goal, is to try or learn something new. That’s it, no restrictions on what. It can be a new food, a new restaurant, random trivia that is somehow useful, or a new game… anything that I look at and go “oh, I didn’t know that” or “I tried something.”
When I visited California in December, most of the restaurants I went to were new to me, so rather than counting those, I looked for new (to me) foods on their menus. As a result, I tried a seared ahi salad one night, and Wild Alaskan sand dabs another. Locally, I’ve tried a couple new restaurants – including my recent visit to Balmoral – and explored a couple places in Valparaiso, Indiana last week.
Learning applies to work as well. Working in IT is a constant opportunity to learn, both about the software that I work with, the business processes our assorted clients use it for, and other software that can tie into it. I’ve spent the last week or so learning software that I’ve owned for several years (as part of a package), but never had a reason to use. The added bonus in this case was succeeding at what I was attempting to do, which involved repeatedly searching online for tips on the software as I struggled to customize one bit or another.
And that’s the reward for trying something new… accomplishing my work goal was satisfying, just as learning a new game can be. Trying a new food… well, that depends on whether I like it or not. So far, so good.
I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. The concept, at least as presented in our culture, tends to be too abstract – take a look at Wikipedia’s list of popular resolutions. They also list the results of a small (3,000 people) study: 88% of the people who study participants who set New Year’s resolutions failed to accomplish their resolutions.
Instead, I set goals, both for the year and on a weekly basis. These are both achievable and measurable; I can definitively say when I’ve completed each one. Of the eleven goals I set for myself last year (I didn’t post all of them here), I completed nine. Of the two I didn’t complete, one carried over for this year and the other has been removed from the list. Starting this year, I’ve added categories to the goals – those include personal, professional, fitness, house, and garden, among others – which I include on both the weekly and annual goals. I have a Google Doc listing the annual goals with a spot for a completion date, and a separate one for the weekly goals.
Here are some of my 2019 goals:
Test for my hapkido black belt – this is my carryover from last year.
Develop a garden plan for the year – the plan is different each year, as I look at what seeds I have (leftovers or harvested from last year’s vegetables) and determine how the crops should rotate.
Add a new garden bed – this is already a work in progress; I have mulch and leaves down in the appropriate area and will add dirt as we get closer to spring. I suspect there will be strawberries planted there.
Complete my next project management course – also already in progress.
Organizing around the house – I actually have three different goals around organizing at home.
Do you approach the new year with goals or resolutions?
At one point a few years ago, after re-watching The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, I mentioned to Cassandra that Dad had live in England at that time and occasionally shared stories of his experiences. This resulted in me e-mailing him to ask about the war-time bombing; his response follows.
Here are some comments on German bombing during World War II.
Where I lived in the north of England, we had no serious bombing. There were plenty of bigger targets, much closer to Germany or the French airports from which they sent their planes. One night a plane dropped a lot of fire bombs, but they all fell in the playing field of a girls’ high school about four blocks from our home. We suspect that a plane returning from a raid on Newcastle, a much bigger town to our north, wanted to get rid of its load.
London was the biggest target, and from the beginning of September 1940, an average of 200 planes a night bombed London every night for two months. Bombing continued after that but not so regularly and on a smaller scale.
Many children were evacuated to small towns and villages in the west of England, which were safe because there was no point in bombing them. A lot of these children did not see their parents for three or four years!
Since most of the bombing was at night, many people slept in bomb shelters, and also in the stations of the London Underground railway after it closed down for the night.
I moved to London five years after the war, and I lived and worked in the East End, which was the area most heavily damaged. I worked near the docks, which were an obvious target. In that area whole blocks of houses had been wiped off the map, and when they rebuilt after the war, they sometimes relocated the streets and gave them new names. Other streets of brick houses would have many gaps, with perhaps half the houses gone.
The German plan was simply to try to make London uninhabitable, but they did not succeed. It was a matter of luck what was hit and what wasn’t. The House of Commons was badly damaged, but Westminster Abbey, just across the street, was untouched. Fire bombs fell on the roof of St. Paul’s Cathedral, but the firewatchers were able to put them out before they did much damage.
Air attacks on London declined when the Germans invaded Russia and were also heavily involved in fighting in North Africa. But in June, 1944, just after the allied invasion in the north of France, a new kind of attack came. The Germans launched flying bombs (the V1), which were pilotless and had jet engines set to fly just the distance to reach the london area and then turn off and fall to the ground. Over the next few months they sent several thousand of them, and there was no telling where they would land. My older brother was a member of an anti-aircraft battery stationed on the south-east coast, whose job was to try to shoot them down before they crossed the coast.
Three months later they began sending asupersonic rockets (the V2), which flew in a very high arch and arrived without warning. Again, since the aiming could only be approximate, the target was London. Their range was about 200 miles. They sent about 1,300 in the seven months from then until March 1945, when we were able to eliminate the last launching sites.
About a year before Dad’s retirement, I was working in the library computer lab, and my boss wanted as many staff members as possible to have web pages on the library’s website. The best way to encourage this was to start at the top, with the Director of Libraries. Of course, most of the staff weren’t familiar with HTML (this pre-dated CSS and WYSIWYG editors), so she tasked me with pestering Dad for content and creating his web page.
I probably have a copy of it on a floppy disk somewhere, accessible with a USB floppy drive, but it was easier to find using The Wayback Machine, a digital archive of the World Wide Web.
It’s very classically Dad… he mentions some hobbies, but not all (he played squash in Portland, and racquetball most of the time we lived in Miami), and neglects to mention that his sabbatical year included two small children, who were likely a bit disruptive to his research. And it was written 20 years ago, before he retired to Guatemala and began taking cruises to various parts of the world, along with playing Scrabble and bridge regularly.
From left to right: my grandfather, Charles (1914); my father, Frank (2000-something); my grandmother, Frances (1917). My father’s shirt reads “This was a white shirt til I sat in the smoking section.” (I bought him that t-shirt.)
So here’s what Dad had to say about himself:
It’s a long way from London to Miami, especially if you go by way of Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Oregon, and take more than twenty years doing it.
I was born and grew up in Darlington, in the north of England, a town whose main claim to fame is that it is the birthplace of railroads. It lies on the the main line between London and Edinburgh, so collecting the names and numbers of the magnificent steam locomotives as they roared by was almost a required occupation for the youth of the town.
Some years later, armed with a degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Durham, I enrolled in the School of Librarianship and Archives at the University of London. Because of its location, the School not only had on its faculty some of the finest teachers of library science, but it also enjoyed a constant stream of distinguished foreign visitors. One of these was the Dean of the School of Library Science at the University of Illinois. His glowing portrait of the state of librarianship in the United States clearly impressed me. After working in small college libraries in London for several years, I accepted an invitation to become a reference librarian at the Public Library of Akron, Ohio. Three years later I moved to the University of Illinois.
The University of Illinois Library was a wonderful place in which to expand one’s horizons. It was (and still is) the third largest academic library in the United States. Even in the early sixties, when I was there, it possessed more than four million volumes. Vast numbers of scholars with international reputations were to be found there, attracted by the quality of the University and of its Library. I worked closely with many of them, for it was my responsibility to try to obtain by interlibrary loan those works so esoteric as not to be held by that huge library.
During this period, the Dean of the Library School persuaded me to undertake a project left unfinished by one of his retiring faculty members, the preparation of a book surveying British government publications. It sounded like a straightforward proposition so, ignoring the danger signs (the work was far from complete, and the retiring faculty member had already spent fifteen years on it), I agreed. The problem with a project of this kind is that one tends to suffer from what I would call the “Babes in the Wood” syndrome – there are always more flowers to pick, so you keep going deeper and deeper into the forest. Before long, a bibliography originally conceived of as an appendix to the work blossomed into a separate book, that was ready for publication before its parent. It was to be fifteen years, including one year of sabbatical leave, before the H.W. Wilson Company was able to publish the Guide to British Government Publications.
Meanwhile, I spent five years at Penn State as the Library’s Assistant Director for Public Services. It was an exciting time of seemingly unlimited budgets and rapid expansion. Then, in 1969, I began a ten-year stay as Director of the Library at Portland State University in Oregon, a young urban institution. There, one learned lessons of a different kind: how to maintain the development of a library in an environment of frequent budget cuts and hiring freezes. And so, in 1979, to Miami, to a University about to embark on a dynamic thrust to higher quality, and to a library facing the need to cope with the age of computerized services. Both the University and the international community of Miami provide an invigorating environment.
Librarians, of course, don’t spend all of their time among their books. I like to spend much of my leisure time outdoors and in remote places. While in Illinois, I was advisor to a group of Explorer Scouts who – with improbable logic, considering their location among the corn fields – became interested in mountaineering. Thus, began a series of summer camping trips to the Rockies and beyond. The group’s first forays were mainly arduous hikes, but they gradually became more technical, planning climbs in the Tetons and, in the Cascades, assaults on Mt. Rainier and Mt. Shuksan.
My years at Penn State afforded proximity to rock climbing in the Shawangunks of New York State, while in Portland one was on the very doorstep of the Cascades. There, with Mt. Hood and other peaks on the skyline, one did not have to make long-range plans for climbing expeditions. A quick check on Friday’s weekend weather report was sufficient to make people reach for their ice axes and crampons. In addition to Mt. Hood, which was a mere ninety-minute drive, Mt. St. Helens was a perennial favorite until it suddenly became an active volcano in 1980.
More sedate hobbies include collecting books, especially the works of a group of minor turn of the century English authors. And I collect and study the postal history of mail carried across the Atlantic by 19th century steamships. With all of these activities, spare time is a commodity that I don’t have to worry about.
My father passed away this week, at a mere 91 years old.
Dad and his little sister
Now I realize that to a lot of people, 91 is downright ancient. But Dad didn’t really start showing his age until the last few years, after being hit by a couple strokes. He climbed his last mountain, Pacaya, at 80, with my cousin’s family. He stopped playing racquetball at 72, not because he couldn’t play anymore, but because there weren’t racquetball courts nearby. And at 91, he was still happily traveling at every opportunity – he visited his little sister in England, went to his mother-in-law’s birthday party in Oregon, and was on a cruise in September when he fell ill. As I said, a mere 91.
I can’t tell most of Dad’s story; I’ve only been around for about half of it. But it started in Darlington, England before World War II, included military service just after the war, and was followed by a move to the United States after he completed his Library Science degree. He spend a couple of years in Ohio, followed by some time at the University of Illinois, Penn State University, and Portland State University (yes, he went from one PSU to another), before finishing his career at the University of Miami in Florida. A work trip brought him to Guatemala when I was in elementary school; the next summer, we came to Guatemala to learn Spanish.
Our family has never quite left since then, as we moved here for junior high with visits between here and Miami. By the time Dad retired, they had a house here, which they used as a base to help raise some of the grandchildren while traveling around the world. We are left with a great number of books, including an extensive Jerome K. Jerome collection, whose bibliography Dad worked on for years. Dad was rather excited the day I cracked open one of his English copies of Three Men in a Boat and found a printing mistake he didn’t have cataloged.
He also collected stamps, primarily ones featuring Catholic saints, and was a 50-year member of the American Philatelic Society. In his younger years, he also enjoyed rock climbing; he took us once when I was young. (I enjoyed that adventure far more than my sister did.) When I visited Devil’s Tower a few years ago and saw people climbing the sides of it, I asked him if he had done that. He had visited, but never climbed it.
As a child, I was spoiled not only by living in a house with thousands of books – and free access to all of them – but with access to an incredible research library as well. My sister and I were frequent visitors at the university’s library throughout our childhood, so I was quite familiar with it by the time I started college. I’m sure Dad hadn’t read all of those books, but if you ever played a trivia game with him, you might have thought he had. Even a year ago, I was still losing to him at trivia.
He was fiercely independent, rarely requesting assistance and frequently refusing it outright when offered for something he thought he could still do. He appreciated a fine drink – wine, whiskey, or good beer – but would politely accepted cheaper alternatives, like whatever beer Mom drinks. He took advantage of Miami’s climate to light up the Big Green Egg year round, and grilled a fabulous steak.