A decorated tree!

Part of a holiday tree decorated with assorted ornaments, mostly crocheted. Also, there's a dinosaur attached to a stick on the tree, only because the stick is useful for opening and closing the curtain behind the tree.

We’re trying something new this year… putting ornaments on the tree! I don’t think we’ve had ornaments on a tree since we adopted Arwen back in 2017, since cats – especially kittens – and ornaments are a notoriously bad combination.

In 2020, Zuko moved in, postponing the possibility of ornaments longer. Even now, none of them are particularly breakable. We lucked out and rediscovered a bag filled with crocheted ornaments – candy canes, snowflakes, and tiny trees with wine corks – and have supplemented those with a couple 3D-printed decorations from a friend.

So far, only a couple of the cork-filled trees have gone wandering through the house. Next year, I may be tempted to dig out my animated character ornaments. They’re plastic, of course.

One thought on “A decorated tree!”

  1. Au contraire! Kittens and decorated Christmas trees are a wonderful combination. Hours of fun to be had. Chris

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