Sharing a friend’s podcast

In the interest of full disclosure, podcasts aren’t really my thing. I prefer to read material rather than listen to it. But when someone you’ve known for two-thirds of your life starts a podcast – with the bonus of it being an interesting subject – you listen to it.

It’s still early, two episodes in, so hop on over and listen to my friend Lya’s Memoirs of a Neurodivergent Latina. If nothing else, it’s a good reminder that there are many different paths for our brains… the way I think through things is probably not the way you do.

If you’re as excited about those two episodes as I am, check out her Patreon as well.

Well, sh…

I flushed the toilet. Well, I tried to. The flush lever was suddenly loose and not doing what it was supposed to. When I lifted the lid, expecting to find a broken or loose chain, I was surprised to see a broken plastic stick instead.

The inside of a toilet tank with a hand holding a broken stick which should be attached to the flush lever.

Oof. It was a busy work day though, and I had another bathroom, so I postponed dealing with it for a day or so. And another day when I realized I couldn’t loosen the old lever to replace it. And as long as we needed to get one thing fixed, it seemed like a good time to get my shower faucet, which drips for a bit after a shower, corrected as well. Oh, and the kitchen faucet, which no longer swivels and the rubber bit to switch to spray mode has long since melted… might as well get that replaced too.

I reached out to a handyman on a non-urgent basis about getting those fixed. And then I attempted to turn on the hall bathroom shower, which went click, turned loosely and left behind a steady drip with no way to adjust the water flow. This suddenly became more urgent, and the handyman’s schedule wasn’t opening up for a couple weeks. (He’s good, that’s why we like him, but it means everyone else does too.)

With the exception of one other project, all of this was plumbing-related, and fortunately, the company we’ve called before was able to fit me in within an hour of calling them. Whew.

Chock this one up to the joys of home ownership.

Interesting times with cats

From left to right: Arwen (in motion), Zuko (getting up), Diane (has lifted her head to see what's going on), and June (not moving, doesn't care, it is definitely nap time)

Many times, we just have to coo at how adorable the cats are, particularly in the rare instance when three or more are in the same general space. In this case, I was summoned to see three cats peacefully resting on the bed, only to have the fourth cat – Arwen in this case – jump up on the bed to join the rest. Of course, that didn’t last – Zuko immediately got up to give chase, quickly leaving just the two elder cats to their cat nap.

Arwen, who is mostly definitely on the kitchen counter where she's not allowed, lounging by the kitchen window.

And sometimes, we have to groan because the cat is both adorable and misbehaving, as is the case in this second photo, a view of the kitchen window, slightly open, from outside. Not open quite enough for Arwen to sit in the window, she decided to lounge right next to it, which means she’s hovering on a small sliver of counter next to the dish drainer. That is not generally where we want our cats hanging out, mostly for the obvious reasons of “get your butt away from our clean dishes” and “don’t put your butt where we set any dishes”.

And then there’s yesterday, which was more of a “how in the world did you…” moment and did not involve a photo. In the early mornings, before work, I typically let the cats play in the garage. I was doing something in the living room when I heard a strange thumping from the garage (through the shared wall), so I looped through the kitchen to see what was going on. Zuko dashed out from behind the dryer as I arrived, but I couldn’t see Arwen. I could hear her though, from somewhere near the dryer. Somehow the laundry basket that was on the dryer had gotten knocked off to rest in the corner between the dryer and the freezer. Upside down. With Arwen under it. I have no idea how they managed that. (Obviously, I freed her immediately. Didn’t even grab my camera.)

Taking the week off…

Picture Kermit the Frog flailing his arms wildly about. That’s how my week has felt, between work (somehow more hectic with Monday having been a holiday), medical appointments (physical therapy sessions for osteoarthritis in both knees), and trying to pick all these tomatoes (two for the bowl, one for the mouth…) before they go bad.

A large strainer filled with bite-sized tomatoes, a good selection of yellow and red.

So I’m taking the week off, at least in terms of meaningful content. I need to blend the tomato soup now. (Quick recipe: 2 cups of bite-sized tomatoes, 1/2 a sauteed large onion, 2 small sweet peppers, a handful of thyme, single sage leaf, some minced garlic, a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and a handful of cashews, left in the slow cooker all day with a carton of vegetable broth.)