The Quest calendar (conclusion)… part 23

Having defeated the undead dragon, Faris rushes back into the city to deal with the necromancer.

I rushed back to the city, evading flames and corpses. Edvarius seemed undeterred, vowing to retrieve the dragon bones and try again. Tired of his boasting, I attacked him immediately. He responded by animating several of the dead villagers around him, forcing me to slay them again. (Not that I slayed them the first time, mind you… that was the dragon.)

More zombies rose as Edvarius cackled. I fled, just slowly enough to encourage the undead horde to follow me, leading them away from the villagers. I led them out of the city, dashing back in just before the guards locked the gate. Panting, I chugged a couple health potions before returning to deal with Edvarius.

Alas, he had more tricks up his sleeve, conjuring corrupted spirits to attack me. They slowed me down a for a couple minutes. I hurriedly quaffed my last elixir, boosting my physical prowess, just as Edvarius attacked me directly with his magic, leering at me with glowing eyes. Every part of me hurt, but I eventually fought him off, evicting him from my mind.

I rushed to attack, transforming into a wolf and stunning him with my ferocious teeth and claws. He almost recovered from my last attack, but Richard swooped down for a killing blow with his talons. Transforming back, I retrieved the Dragon Staff from Edvarius, along with some gold and a couple potions.

Lord Fellmont and Rufus were released. Young Victor was arrested and then lectured by his father about the damage done to the city and its people. Treason is punishable by death in West Haven, but Lord Fellmont had his son locked in the dungeons until his fate could be officially decided.

I was summoned to Lord Fellmont’s audience room, where he thanked me for my efforts and knighted me, and gifted me a majestic horse for my travels.

Thus ends the core adventure, and Faris leaves the town of West Haven for a mini-adventure over the last couple weeks of the calendar.