The Quest (calendar) continues… part 3

I’ve certainly never had this problem before… some days, I’m tempted to flip ahead to see what’s coming on the calendar. I haven’t, but it is tempting. I’m also enjoying the daily writing exercise, though it varies how much there is to add. Anyways, the adventure picks up where part 2 left off.

Then I spotted a missing person poster, with a reward of thirty gold! I jumped on that offer, starting with a little reserach on the missing man, Victor Fellmont. It seems he disappeared a few days ago, soon after the court wizard went missing. There’s someone who frequents the inn I’m staying at that may have a lead on where he went.

Of course, it’s a dwarf, though more sober than the last one I tried talking to. He wanted five gold for information on Fellmont’s last known location. I tried to talk him down on the cost, in the interest of saving a life, but in the end, handed over the coins. He marked the spot on a map where his team abandoned the search when they were attacked by goblins.

I realize, as I’m heading into the unknown, both in terms of danger and territory, that I should leave some details about myself. If something happens to me, please deliver this journal to Wiel Leafwind, and inform her that it belonged to her sister, Faris. She’ll likely criticize my adventuring lifestyle, but our parents were traveling merchants – a trade she picked up – and they were murdered by bandits.

Before heading out, I stopped by Filly’s, thinking that rations and health potions would come in handy. A compass would be useful too, but I don’t have that much money to spare. I left West Haven following the dwarf’s map, which led me into a dense forest. The forest smelled so fresh after spending several days in town. Game and water were scarce, so I ate both meal rations. I probably should have bought more.

The next morning, I continued following the map, eventually finding – by the stench – a pair of dead horses. This is clearly where the dwarf was attacked by a handful of goblins. The saddle bags had been picked clean, but the goblins missed a hidden compartment with a bit of gold in one of the saddles.

Fwwwt! Fortunately, I found that before some goblins started launching arrows at me. I killed two of them easily, bounced an arrow off the third, but missed the fourth one entirely. I checked to see if they had anything useful, wondering if goblins even use maps. No maps, and their weapons were in such lousy condition, I’m surprised they could even fight with them. Oh wait… I guess they couldn’t.

They did leave a trail to follow. OK, it included a spiked pit trap that I narrowly avoided, but at least it’s a trail. A bit past that, I found their camp, outside a cave, and thought that maybe Fellmont was held inside. I decided to hide until they went to sleep, settling in for a meal and a bit of rest.

After resting, I snuck into the cave and found a pair of wolves chained up, apparently guarding a small room behind them. Poor things, I wished I had enough time to calm and release them. Instead I tossed a scrap of meat to them and slid past into the corpse-filled room. It seemed this was the usual source of food for those poor wolves. Happily, I didn’t find Fellmont among the corpses.

How to make the perfect omelet

Don’t let the picture fool you, I judge an omelet on its flavor. If I want food with a perfect appearance, I’ll get it from a restaurant. I generally chalk it up to luck if my omelet looks good too. I realize it’s more a matter of me being patient while cooking, but hey, let’s call it luck.

A one egg omelet, still in the non-stick pan

There are some differences, of course, if cooking multiple omelets; I’ll try to account for them. The most important part is the filling… if you just wanted to eat an egg, you could have fried, boiled, or poached it. You’ll want to pick two or three items that have complementary flavors. My default fillings are mushrooms and cheese, with a lot of variance as to what cheese I use. Costco sells any amazing Merlot cheese, and Swiss is a perennial favorite. (If you don’t like cheese, skip the cheese part! I had an amazing omelet without cheese the time we went to Philadelphia.)

If I’m cooking for just myself or one other person, I sauté any vegetables in the same pan that I’ll be cooking the omelet(s) in, starting with a tablespoon of melted butter. If I’m including garlic, I drop that in after I’ve flipped the (usually) mushrooms and turn off the burner. There’s a 50/50 chance that I’ll wash the knife and cutting board at this stage, forgetting that I need them to slice the cheese. If you’re only making one omelet, that single tablespoon of butter is all you’ll need, though make allowance for the pan you’re using. If I’m making omelets for more than two people, I’ll prepare the filling in a separate pan (if it’s something that needs cooking – leftovers work too), but I still mix each omelet individually.

While the vegetables are cooking, I crack an egg into a mixing bowl and add milk. As a general rule, a large egg is equivalent to about 1/4 cup of liquid, and I eyeball the milk at about half of that (so 1/8th cup, which is 2 tablespoons). If you want a two or three egg omelet, just adjust up with the same proportions. I dash a bit of salt and pepper in before I whisk the milk and egg together.

When the vegetables (if any) are cooked, I move them from the pan to another dish. This is the important part – the pan should still be hot, but not so hot that the egg bubbles when you add it to the pan. Pour the egg mix into the pan, make sure it spreads out, and turn the burner back on medium. (Yeah, sometimes I forget and wonder why my omelet isn’t ready yet.) If needed, rotate the pan until the top of the omelet is almost solid, then any meat (sandwich meat works great) to one half of the omelet, then the sautéed vegetables, followed by cheese (if desired).

Flip the half of the omelet you didn’t put anything on over the fillings. This is when you find out if your omelet will look perfect, or if it’s just going to taste perfect. If you didn’t include cheese, just give it a minute to finish cooking and move it to a plate. If you included cheese, turn the burner down to medium low… cheese takes a bit to melt, and you don’t want to burn the omelet in the process. At this point, the timing is going to vary based on the cheese… try to find that balance between compulsively checking it because you’re super hungry and you really want the cheese melted.

If you’re cooking multiple omelets, I’ve found about half a tablespoon of butter is the right amount for subsequent omelets. If you’re cooking in a non-stick pan, this is optional, but it’s partially for the flavor.

Just in case you jumped to the end as if this were a food blog, here’s the basic recipe: for each egg, 1/8 cup of milk, fillings of your choice. If any fillings are raw, cook them first and remove them from the pan. Cook the egg mix until it begins to solidify, add fillings (start with flattest, then vegetables, and top with cheese) to one side and flip the other side of the omelet to cover it.

The Quest (calendar) continues… part 2

My journal is filling up fairly quickly from my Quest calendar adventure, so I’ll periodically update the story. I added a new category called “Quest Calendar,” so there’s an easy way to find these specific posts. They’ll pick up where the previous post left off.

I limped away from the ladder and ran into two more rats. Ugly buggers. I killed one with Luc, my weasel’s, help, but the other bit me and ran off.

I followed a rail of blood downstream, almost walking into a pack of rats feeding on… something. Every so quietly, I turned around and snuck off, moving through a series of rooms. The first room had mice, I’m surprised they stuck around with those rats rampaging through. The second room had spider webs large enough to trap a rat. I didn’t stick around to see the spider! There was a rat in the third room, and I killed it as soon as it snarled at me.

Faris Leafwind Half-Elf Druid character sheet

And then I found the nest, with the ugliest mama rat I’ve ever seen. I hit it a couple times, and it got one good bite in at me before it died. I searched the disgusting room, filled with garbage and carcasses, for anything useful that might be lying about. The rat corpses had a weird purple slime on them, I made sure not to touch it. I did luck out and find some gold coins though. I headed back to the tavern for my hard-earned meal and a night’s rest, along with a desperately needed bath.

I woke up feeling well-rested and somehow improved as an adventurer, having survived my first solo adventure. I went down to the dining room and spent a bit of time talking to people. The elf I spoke with suggested I contact the head guard, Rufus, about working in the city – they’ve been having weird trouble lately. I assume the ginormous rats fall under that category. I tried talking to a dwarf, but he was drunk and passed out. Sadly, he didn’t even win the drinking contest, the half-orc outdrank him and then some.

I found a local job board and decided it was a good way to earn some cash and familiarize myself with the town. Why somebody named their baby hell beast “Fluffy,” I’ll never know, but I found the missing critter and took him home. Also, that was not quite what I expected from a sign that said “missing puppy.” Convincing spirits to stop haunting a house turned out to be easier than corralling Fluffy. And then I picked up a nighttime job protecting some deliveries. All in all, a good day’s haul.

Funny cat stories

I was asked recently why all of my kitten photos are of Zuko napping. Typically, if he’s not napping, I’m too busy stopping him from misbehaving to take a photo! But I have four cats, and the kitten is certainly not the only source of amusement.

About a week ago, I had just settled into bed with three of the cats when the fourth one, June, started howling from the living room. This wasn’t the normal “feed me” cry (or even her intent to use the litter box meowl), it was more of a “something is terribly wrong” anguished howl. Zuko perked up and jumped off the bed; I followed with a flashlight. As we reached the edge of the living room, June stopped howling and calmly walked to the sofa… and stood there, looking at the pillow that I had left in her normal spot. Well, yes, the rest of the sofa was available, but her spot wasn’t. I moved the pillow and went back to bed.

We have a projector and white screen rather than a TV. Zuko is the only cat who is consistently interested in what’s appearing on a screen, whether it’s my phone, computer, or the white screen. This isn’t normally a problem, but occasionally he’ll launch himself at the white screen… either grabbing at the handle, or actually attacking something onscreen. This is particularly awkward during my workouts… he’ll launch himself at the trainer (usually Luke… I don’t know why) while I’m planking or otherwise not in a position to stop him. Oddly, when we’re watching a show, he’s fairly good about attacking the antagonist.

At night, Arwen likes sleeping under the covers. This isn’t a problem if I’m already awake enough to lift the covers for her… and otherwise, she’ll make sure to wake me up for it. In typical cat fashion, this usually means walking across my face in the middle of the night.

Diane is the most likely of the older cats to play with Zuko, and even that (at least, willingly) is infrequent. I was somewhat amused on a recent occasion when she jumped up on my bed mid-afternoon and started to play with him. A couple minutes later, he was gone and she was settled in his sun spot, so perhaps it wasn’t as friendly as it looked.

The cats are definitely not allowed on the counter, especially when food is being prepared. Arwen’s so unclear on this concept that she gets locked in my room as soon as we start preparing food. Zuko’s a bit better behaved, though he usually ends up in the room with her before food is served, sometimes just because he’s underfoot and we’re worried about tripping over him while carrying hot thigns. Diane and June are almost always well-behaved… but when Diane isn’t, despite being the largest cat in the house, she manages to jump on the counter silently. And she’s the only one who cares that she gets in trouble for it… she’ll slink off, hiding under the table, then rushing past us to go sit on the sofa with a guilty look on her face, curling up as if she had been resting on the sofa the whole time.

And that’s why I don’t usually have action shots of the cats.

I’m going on a Quest… with a day-to-day calendar.

Many months ago – last April, in fact – I supported a Kickstarter campaign for a 2021 day-by-day “Quest” calendar. It was advertised as a single-player role-playing game that takes place over the course of a year. Having thoroughly the random facts in my 2020 calendar, I thought it would be entertaining to have another daily calendar with an entirely different style to it.

The first couple weeks introduced the mechanics, along with a sample character and adventure. The third week introduced several characters to choose from, along with some bonus characters available on the Sundial Games website.

I had pulled out a blank journal to keep track of equipment, health, and what not for the first couple weeks, finding it easier than writing on the calendar page for Godwin, the Great (Half-Elf Wizard), but decided to print the Level 1 character sheet from their website for Faris Leafwind (Half-Elf Druid), which has ample space for tracking damage, equipment and such. Well, shoot, what am I going to do with that journal now? Ah, that’s what….

My adventures began that day in the tavern, when the innkeeper asked for help dealing with the alley rats. Silly me, I thought he was referring to the street urchins, but these were actual rats, larger than me, and quite aggressive. I tried to calm the beast down, but it bit me before scurrying away. Once it was gone, I took a quick look around the alley. There seemed to be a small bit of blood* on the barrel the rat had perched on, but nothing else stood out as odd.

There was a grate though… the rat could have come from there. Who locks a grate anyways? I was a bit rusty, but managed to pick the lock. As I climbed down, I was hit by an overwhelming stench. Sad to say, I lost my lunch on that ladder, and lost my grip as well.**

*I rolled poorly… the text for better rolls said this was definitely not blood.

**Let’s not even talk about that die roll.

I’m not sure where this adventure will go… that’s a mix of the calendar pages, my choices, and my dice rolls. Also, Faris’s background mentions her twin sister; I’ve decided to name her Wiel. Just in case it ever comes up.

Growing pumpkins in winter

Anybody who grows pumpkins knows that you can’t plant them outside until after the last chance of frost. Around here, that’s mid-May. You’re probably wondering why, in that case, I have pumpkins growing inside in January.

This story begins some time after Halloween, when I cleared our decorative (and uncarved) pumpkins from the front yard. Intent on harvesting the seeds – some to roast, and some to dry for planting – I carried the somewhat softened pumpkins to the backyard and shattered them. That is to say I picked them up and dropped them, sometimes forcefully, repeatedly until they were open enough to get to the seeds, then composted the shells.

Normally, I would have just washed the seeds and left them on a tray to dry. But when I tried that, Zuko started eating the seeds. So they ended up in a smaller container, smushed together… and some of them sprouted. When I showed Cassandra, she insisted “we” grow them.

I had small coir pots and seed starting pods left from previous years, so I set up about a dozen of the sprouted seeds in a couple trays. (Some unsprouted ones were saved for outside planting in the spring.) As they outgrew their original containers, I repurposed some of the packaging from for the next phase and bought a bag of potting soil.

Several young pumpkin plants growing in a container

As they outgrew that packaging, I knew it was time to invest in a larger container that could sit in my bay window. I wanted something raised, so I wouldn’t have to bend down past the sewing desk. I bought this container (and some more dirt) with holiday money; it’s about waist high, and includes a shelf underneath for storing bits and pieces.

There are nine pumpkins plants growing in my bay window now, and all of them are clearly leaning towards the window, grabbing as much sun as they can. I’m hoping they continue growing slowly for the next few months – the window gets good sun, but is a little cooler than the rest of the room – until the entire container can be relocated outside. Pumpkin vines have a tendency to sprawl, and I want to make sure they have space to do that… outside.

Pear and Gorgonzola Waffles

Years ago, when gifted with multiple boxes of Harry & David pears, I went looking for pear recipes to avoid losing the wonderful pears to our slow rate of eating them. I found this recipe on a website called DailyBuzz, and the printout I have linked to Epicurious.

Having received a gift of pears recently, it came up in a Zoom call, and having saved the URL on the printed copy, I went looking… well, the DailyBuzz website is gone, and I can’t find the recipe on Epicurious… good thing I printed it!

Pear and Gorgonzola Waffles

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • 2 cups buttermilk
  • 6 tablespoons butter, melted & cooled
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 ½-2 ripe pears, diced
  • ¾ cup crumbled gorgonzola
  • Oil for waffle iron

If not being served immediately, preheat your oven to 250 degrees.  I prefer to mix all the ingredients and then preheat the waffle iron; that will vary depending on your speed and the waffle iron.

Top half shows the batter, a brush with oil, a measuring cup on a sauced, and the waffle pan. Bottom half shows a pear & gorgonzola waffle with a fork.
  1. Combine dry ingredients –  flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt – in a large bowl.
  2. Whisk wet ingredients – buttermilk, butter, and eggs – in a small bowl.
  3. Stir wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.
  4. Fold in diced pears and gorgonzola.

After preheating the waffle iron, brush it lightly with oil and dump an appropriate amount of batter in.  For a standard waffle iron, this will probably be ½ cup; a Belgian waffle iron may need a full cup.  The Pampered Chef Waffle Puff Pan instructions call for ¾ cup, but does best with a cup of this recipe, probably because of the pear chunks.

Cook waffles according to manufacturer’s instructions until they’re browned and cooked through.  For this particular recipe, that may be a couple minutes extra, as the pear chunks make them fall apart.

As you cook them, transfer to a rack in the preheated oven to keep warm and crisp.  Continue until batter is gone – makes 6 waffles on the Pampered Chef Waffle Puff Pan, probably about 10 on a standard style waffle iron.

Also, for easy printing, here’s a PDF version of the recipe:

How to lose my business without really trying

The owner of a local dairy business, Jim Oberweis, who was the state senator for our area, ran for Congress against a first term incumbent, Representative Lauren Underwood. He declared victory the night of the election, knowing that a significant number of mail-in votes had not been counted yet. Ultimately, he lost by 5,374 votes.

That’s less than a two percent difference, so it wasn’t surprising when he opted to pay for a recount. Just a “discovery recount,” rather than a full one, but I suppose if he has the money to throw around and wants to waste it instead of using it to help people during a pandemic, it’s his choice. It was certainly within his legal rights as the losing candidate.

What’s beyond his rights as a losing candidate is his demand “seeking to void all 39,647 Kane County mail ballots, claiming they were not properly initialed by election judges.” (From this article: A day after Democrat Rep. Lauren Underwood sworn into second term, her GOP rival, Jim Oberweis seeks to overturn the election he lost – Chicago Sun-Times) The Chicago Tribune article on the subject explains “But Kane County uses electronic poll books to record election judges signatures, so they do not appear on the ballot.”

He wants to disenfranchise almost ten percent of the total votes (401,052 – from this website) in the race, based on a process that isn’t used in this county. You may recall I voted by mail for the first time this year. He wants to disenfranchise my vote, which was sent in and verified almost a month before Election day.

I have no sympathy for poor losers. And I can make my own milkshakes instead of supporting his business.

Thoughts on Queen of None

I am incredibly fortunate to be exposed to so many good books. Rounding out my commentary on books for 2020 is this fresh take on Arthurian legends: Queen of None by Natania Barron. Forget what you think you know about Camelot, she recreates it from an entirely different perspective with new twists on the familiar characters. This review was originally published in the November 1, 2020 issue of Booklist.

In Queen of None, Natania Barron delves into Arthurian legend from the perspective of Anna Pendragon, Arthur’s younger sister. Prophesied by Merlin to be forgotten, Anna was barely a woman when she was married off to an older man to forge an alliance for her brother. Years later, she returns as a widow to Arthur’s court, where her eldest son, Gawain, is already training as a knight. She finds herself a pawn once again, caught between her brother, half-sisters, and Merlin’s plans while searching for her own happiness. Her lingering affection for Bedevere, illicit father to her twin boys, may be ignored again in favor of another alliance that will further her brother’s needs. Surprises come from within as well, as Anna discovers that she too has magical abilities, inherited from her mother’s side of the family, shared to some extent with her half-sisters Morgen, Morgase, and Elaine. Barron’s take on Arthurian legend gets readers exactly where they expect to be in the end, with entirely new insight on how to reach that point.

Musical Advent calendar

This year, I decided to make a musical Advent calendar for Cassandra. More specifically, in the wee hours of December 1st, as I was waking up, I realized that I have a ton of colored cards and could do a quick drawing related to a link for each day. I posted the songs to Facebook every day, so if we’re friends there, only the images are new. While these are mostly holiday songs, there are a couple exceptions. I found some interesting versions of favorite songs, and learned history of others along the way. If I decide to do this again, the challenge will be to not repeat the same songs… that will be harder for Chanukah and Solstice, there are plenty of Christmas songs still to explore.

There isn’t an easy way to link each image in the gallery to its song, so the list of links appears below.

1Partridge in a pear treePentatonix – 12 Days of Christmas
2BellStraight No Chaser – Carol of the Bells
3TombstoneGodfrey Temple – Harley Got Devoured by the Undead
4Santa hatPeter Hollens – Evolution of Christmas Songs
5Musical fourthJeff Buckley – Hallelujah
6AngelSarah McLachlan – In the arms of an angel
7DevilWilliam Kapell plays Liszt- legendary Mephisto Waltz 1945
8WindBing Crosby – Do you hear what I hear?
9DrumAlex Boye’ ft. Genesis Choir – Little Drummer Boy
10CandleBarenaked Ladies – Hanukkah Blessings
11HollyLoreena McKennitt- The Holly & The Ivy
12PuppyDaveed Diggs – Puppy for Hanukkah
13GiftPeter Hollens – December Song
14Peace symbolPeter, Paul and Mary – Light One Candle
15PuffinMalinda – a song about puffins
16HeartRod Stewart – Have I Told You Lately
17ShipI Saw Three Ships / Song of the Ship
18Soccer ballSabaton – The Price of a Mile
19PumpkinThe Nightmare Before Christmas – What’s this?
20ChimneyAngela Lansbury (Mame) – Need a little Christmas
21PomegranateCheshire Moon – Persephone
22Christmas treeThe Golden Orchestra – You Take the High Branch and I’ll Take the Low Branch
23Kermit the FrogMuppet Christmas Carol – It Feels Like Christmas
24Candy caneDar Williams – The Christian and the Pagans
25EyesGloria Estefan – Christmas Through Your Eyes

Have a wonderful Christmas!