A return to historically inaccurate weirdness

The Bristol Renaissance Faire re-opened to amazing weather – an overcast day in the 70s – last weekend after taking a year off for the pandemic. Adjusting for the still ongoing pandemic, masks are required for the unvaccinated, and the schedule seems a little lighter this year, including fewer themed weekends – the only themes this year are Steampunk (July 17 & 18th) and Pirate (August 7 & 8). Someone should tell the Spider-Man we saw with the Infinity Gauntlet and a pirate hat to go back next month.

Background image of Guido's Academy of Theatrical Swordplay, with images of Dan the Bard, Adam Crack's Fire Whip show, and Cirque du Sewer juggling with a cat on her head

As in previous years, we saw a mix of new(-ish) and old shows, a bit of shopping, and some tasty food. We started the day at the always entertaining Adam Crack’s Fire Whip show, and followed immediately with Guido (one of the two swordsmen; Dirk is taking the summer off) at his new Guido’s Academy of Theatrical Swordplay, featuring Guido training the next generation of Faire actors.

After a long wait for a caffeinated beverage, we enjoyed one of Dan the Bard’s concerts with his tremendous songs about Dungeons & Dragons. Fans of any role-playing games will appreciate his tales about players going woefully off task and monsters they encounter. Then we rounded out the day with a Cirque du Sewer performance, watching cats and rats comically misbehave during their acts.

In summary, it was a fabulous day of delightful entertainment on a surprisingly cool day.

The Quest calendar (continues)… part 10

Faris arrives in Ironfell and requests permission from Lord Aaron to borrow the city’s wizard.

As I headed to Lord Aaron’s manor, an old fisherman recruited me to find a jewel missing from the statue of Nilena, Goddess of the River. Awkwardly, he believes Lord Aaron stole it. I accepted his advance of three gold, then headed to the lord’s manor, delivering the letter from Lord Fellmont.

I was surprised to learn that Lord Aaron openly despises Lord Fellmont, though he acknowledged receiving frequent assistance from West Haven. He granted permission for Edvarius to accompany me only after finishing his current assignments, and suggested I might be able to assist.

Leaving the house, I spotted a jewel in the treasure room. Assuming it was the missing jewel, I attempted to sneak past past the guards. When they noticed me, I convinced them that as Lord Aaron’s guest, I should be allowed in. The jewel was, in fact, brilliantly beautiful, emanating a calming power, but that energy seemed to be faltering. I picked the lock and retrieved the gem, feeling no guilt at stealing it from this man whose greed was endangering his own city. I returned the gem to the statue on my way to find Edvarius. The fountain immediately began to flow when the jewel was reset, and the water seemed cleaner than that of the river.

Meeting Edvarius was depressing. He detailed all the problems facing Ironfell and bid me travel north to parlay with the giants. He seemed relieved at the prospect of going to West Haven, but angry about the tasks in Ironfell that took priority.

I forgot to buy bread.

I went grocery shopping Saturday morning and forgot to buy bread. (I generally make rolls, but I prefer to buy loaves of bread.) After dropping off some spare raspberries and strawberries that afternoon, I considered stopping somewhere to buy bread, but there aren’t any shops on that particular route home. So I deferred the chore until Sunday.

Early Sunday morning, it occurred to me that farmers markets are open again, and there was probably at least one near me on a Sunday. For those of you unfamiliar with farmers markets, they’re typically outdoor markets with fresh produce and other shopping that are only at that location one day a week. They frequently have fresh bakery products, which is what drew me to Google this fine morning.

Sure enough, I found a Sunday morning farmers market five miles away. Shortly after eight in the morning, I headed out, hoping to find bread and perhaps some bite-sized tomatoes.

A loaf of sourdough rye bread

As you can see, my mission was successful… there were several stands with baked goods, one specifically with loaves of bread, where I selected a sourdough rye bread. Directly across from it was a produce stand where I procured a multi-colored selection of small tomatoes.

The unexpected purchase, however, was the delightful find for the day. Anybody who has gone to the nearby Renaissance Festival has experienced the delicious smell of roasted nuts with tempting samples luring the passerby in. Apparently, the Geneva French Market includes freshly roasted nuts as well… with the choice of whiskey-roasted or vanilla nuts, produced by Nuts To Go. They are, in fact, quite tasty.

And that is why I went looking for a recipe – Honey Whiskey Roasted Pecans | Kara Lydon – and am wondering what effect using different whiskeys will have on the flavor.

The Quest (calendar) continues… part 9

Faris sets out on her next great adventure, sent to borrow the wizard Edvarius from neighboring Ironfell. A simple quest, surely.

I bought myself a mule for the trip, figuring it would be useful for the four day journey. I also hit up the job board for a bit more coin, not knowing what I’d find in Ironfell. I tried to help an ill grandmother, but you can’t cure old age. My live performance at a tavern actually fared better, and did spying for a betrayed gnome.

On my way out of town, I bought more rations and health potions, drinking a couple immediately to make up for the excursion into the wizard’s lab. There was no sign of game near the road, though as I sat down to eat some rations, it became apparent why – a bear lumbered into my campsite and lounged across from me. I offered her some of my foot, which she snuffled at before eating, and realized her name was Fola.

Late the next day, I encountered a broken-down wagon with one wheel off. The supposed merchants asked for my help repairing it, but I hesitated, something seemed slightly off about them. Sure enough, they drew weapons and attacked me. I missed one entirely, killed the second with a shot, and reinforced my third short with damage from the wizard’s wand. The unharmed ruffian fled, leaving the wagon and his friends’ corpses. Their weapons were in terrible condition, but they had some gold and a Wanted poster of themselves. I suppose I can claim that reward. Having cleared the area, I decided it was a good place to stop for the night.

I arrived in Ironfell and took a quick stroll around town before seeking the wizard. The herbalist mentioned being out of potions and low on ingredients because boaters kept buying her out. That may be partially because the Beacon, a light in the middle of the river, is fairly dim. As I walked along the river, I tried talking to some other residents. A fisherman flat out ignored me, though I noted his catch seemed small and generally unhealthy. The ferryman was more forthcoming, said they haven’t gotten much work because of the raids, and the people to the south blame them for the mysterious poisoning of the river. A porter bought one of my health potions, rambling about rodents shooting at him last time he went north, and expressed concerns about giants that direction now.

Thoughts on The Grey Bastards

I’m not actually sure when this review posted (found it… May 4, 2018), it was written for Booklist, and I had referenced it back in 2018 on this post. I have since read the sequel to The Grey Bastards, and am looking forward to subsequent novels by Jonathan French.

Jackal is a Grey Bastard, one of several brotherhoods of half-orcs committed to defending the no-man zone between human civilization and the invading bands of orcs.  At least, that’s what Jackal and most of the half-orcs believe they’re doing.  Jonathan French turns fantasy on its head by featuring half-orcs as the unlikely heroes of his story, awkwardly sandwiched between their orc and human progenitors.  Further complicating matters in Ul-wundulas, or the Lot Lands, are the presence of isolationist elves, homicidal centaurs, and a group of halfings who are religious zealots working towards the return of their god.  The ugly secrets, betrayals, and twists in this book keep the pages turning as Jackal and his friends discover and fight back against the dark magics and conspiracies involved.  Between the lies they’ve been fed and the isolation between the various races, Jackal begins the book with little real knowledge of the world’s problems and his hoof’s place in fixing or causing them.  By the surprising conclusion, he’ll have answers that lead to more questions, and ultimately to a sequel. 

The Quest (calendar) continues… part 8

It has been a while since an update. Rest assured, the adventures of Faris Leafwind continue with some amazingly poor dice rolls, and the occasional good one.

Hoping it would lead to more work, I met with Fellmont immediately. He believed all of the weirdness was related to the wizard Godwin’s disappearance and asked me to help investigate. I agreed, of course, with some misgivings over Victor’s previous statement that the wizard was a traitor, a belief his father and Commander Rufus didn’t seem to share.

Fellmont directed me to the wizard’s lab, to see if I could spot any clues he had missed. arriving there, I bumped an experiment on his desk, splashing acid on myself. I tucked away a health potion from the bookshelf, planning to heal the damage later. I slid a book from the shelf and heard a click as a secret door, covered in runes, opened. I was unable to read the runes and the door shocked me. It shocked me again when I tried to bypass the magic lock. The door was seriously kicking my butt, I couldn’t even force it open. I paused to drink the health potion I had found, then smashed the door open.

I stared in shock at a cracked dragon egg in the middle of the secret room. I stepped closer to look at it and flames erupted from the ground, singeing my clothes. I chugged my last health potion before moving in when the flames died down. The egg was filled with that shimmering black ooze I had seen at the church. I grabbed a nearby vial and carefully let some drip in without touching it. As I finished, some of it tried to move towards me… ewww.

I also found a locked chest, and luckily, I found the key hanging on the door frame. There were a couple potions and some gold hidden away. I stowed them in my bag, along with a wooden wand with a thread of gold, and returned with the information to Fellmont. Together we shared it with his father, Lord Rowan Fellmont. While dubious, he thought it best to send me questing for Edvarius, Ironfell’s court wizard. I met with Rufus again to negotiate the terms. We agreed to twenty gold on delivery, with four paid in advance for preparations.

Set of mini green RPG dice in a blue dice tray

Seriously, this brief excursion into the wizard’s chamber kicked my butt! That was mainly due to unfortunately low dice rolls. Hopefully those will gradually improve, along with my skills as I level up.

Filk: Little Jedi Boy

According to Wikipedia, “Filk has been defined as folk music, usually with a science fiction or fantasy theme, but this definition is not exact. So-called filkers have been known to write filk songs about a variety of topics, including tangentially related topics such as computers and cats. In addition, while the majority of filk songs are in the folk style, other styles such as blues, calypso, and even rock appear from time to time.”

I actually attended my first filk circle in 1998, the first time I went to DragonCon. And didn’t attend another one – though I did go to some filk concerts – until this past year, which of course were via Zoom. That combined with watching The Mandalorian resulted in this song, Little Jedi Boy, to the tune (not surprisingly) of Little Drummer Boy. You can listen to it here, or sing along with the lyrics (provided as an image and as text):

Little Jedi Boy lyrics with background picture
Come, they told me (pa-rum pum pum pum)
Our finest bounty here (pa-rum pum pum pum)
We’ll pay a beskar crate (pa-rum pum pum pum)
For just this one green child. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
(Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum)
So to capture him (pa-rum pum pum pum) 
When we come.
Baby Jedi, (pa-rum pum pum pum)
You are too cute to kill. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
So I’ll just shoot this droid. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
But Jawas stripped my ship. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
(Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum)
Now we’ll quest for them (pa-rum pum pum pum)
For their lunch. 
The baby saved me. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
Now the damn Imps have him. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
I changed my mind for him. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
I left the Guild for him. (pa-rum pum pum pum)
(Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum)
Then He smiled at me (pa-rum pum pum pum)
Me and my gun. 

Gardening victories are weird

I recently celebrated our spring weather by having eight yards of mulch dumped on our driveway. It’s the same amount I had delivered in the fall, and I mulched many of the same areas again, added a thicker layer in places to help with weed suppression. Fresh mulch also looks really good, as shown below where the old and new mulch display together. I mulched around the herb garden, though I already have weeds poking through there – that’s because my main weed up front is the mint that refuses to stay contained. (This is standard for mint, the roots spread out.) In the back, in addition to the large mulched area with raised beds, I mulched all around the mulberry bush (shown) and the peonies, as well as between the magnolia trees along the back property line and the hibiscus plants (not shown).

Clockwise from the top left: eight yards of mulch; a combination of old mulch and new around garden beds; new mulch around the star-shaped bed with various herbs and the newly mulched rose bush in the background; new mulch all around the mulberry bush.

Distributing eight yards of mulch in two weeks is certainly a gardening victory, but what jumped out while I was working was that I seem to have killed off the burdock that been popping up amongst the peonies since I bought this house. Burdock is one of those plants that produced annoying sticky seed balls that attach to everything. Apparently it has various edible bits, but I don’t think that makes it worth having in my yard, given how annoying it is. The roots tend to go deep, which makes it difficult to remove.

So I was excited at this little gardening victory: the realization while mulching around the peonies that there wasn’t any burdock. Don’t ask about the burdock by the raspberries… that may be next year’s weird little victory. I hope.

Thoughts on The Velocity of Revolution

This was an interesting read for a couple reasons. I had recently reviewed the last two books of Marshall Ryan Maresca’s ambitious urban fantasy/steampunk series, the Maradaine Saga. The Velocity of Revolution is nothing at all like that, except for being equally brilliant. It has a distinctive setting and unique magic that really makes it stand out. There’s an excerpt available on the author’s website if you want to take a peek. This review was originally published in the February 1, 2021 issue of Booklist.

Marshall Ryan Maresca engages in another round of delightful worldbuilding in this standalone fantasy novel, The Velocity of Revolution. Magic is generated from the land: a combination of mushrooms, creating a psychic link between people who consume them, and speed, generated by their vehicles. Ziaparr is a conquered city, paying debts incurred in the previous war and providing resources for the current one. Forced into a strict caste system based on foreign or native descent, the lower castes are rebelling against the foreign impositions and rediscovering their heritage with the now-illegal mushrooms. Nália Enapi, a skilled rider, is on her first mission, learning the connection between mushrooms and her cycle’s speed, when she is captured by civil patrol officer Wenthi Tungét. The government uses mushrooms to connect their minds, setting Wenthi on an infiltration mission with access to Nália’s imprisoned mind allowing him to fit into both the rebellion and a lower caste. Coupled with Nália’s ever-strengthening presence in his mind and revelations of reality for the lower castes, Wenthi is torn between justice and duty. 

This innovative setting, coupled with unexpected and delightful twists, make this a must read novel for fantasy readers. 

Spring arrives gradually

In autumn, it’s easier to tell when to stop gardening: the first hard frost kills off many of the summer plants, and gardeners scramble to pick the last fruits before the frost damages them. Spring timing is a bit tougher… it warms up, cools down, warms up… essentially the reverse of the fall. Gardeners eagerly check the forecast to see if seedlings can be moved outdoors and late spring planting can start.

Lots of strawberry flowers

Early spring seeds are already in the ground. Peas, radishes, potatoes, and salad greens have already emerged, the lilacs and strawberries have flowered, and volunteer tomatoes are popping up in odd places. But those the pepper seedlings are getting a bit large for their starter pods, and I really want to get the okra and squash seeds started outside. (While squash can be started inside, I generally only start plants insides that are supposed to start before our last frost date.)

The general rule around here for the squash family is to start after Mother’s Day, except Mother’s Day was early this year, and we’ve had frost on the ground almost every morning since then. Until today, that is, and the forecast for the week is looking promising.