In times of trouble, find your family.

For most of us, the world has shifted immensely in the last week.  More people than ever are suddenly working from home, and parents who never considered homeschooling are finding themselves with children underfoot and educators scrambling to produce online lessons.

The initial wave of panic shopping should be done, I hope, allowing grocery stores to return to the new normal – encouraging social distancing as people move through restocked stores.  And the kindness may continue… people offering to go shopping for anybody in the neighborhood that can’t or aren’t comfortable going at the moment, photos of goods in a front yard saying “take what you need,” relatives dropping of food for family members in the vulnerable groups.  Whether they’re technically related or not, these are the families that hold our neighborhoods together.

Our karate family is similar.  Classes are either cancelled are reduced in size at the moment, so karate schools are turning to technology to make sure people stay active and keep training.  Many of the schools are streaming classes through Facebook Live, and opening them up to everybody instead of just their students.  That is how I attended a local class online on Tuesday, part of a class at Legacy Martial Arts in Pennsylvania last night (I had a meeting rune late), and am prepping for a kickboxing class at Double Dragon Tang Soo Do in Michigan tonight.

Stay active, stay upbeat, and if you’re able, take a moment to help somebody during this mess.